The Bulldog Stash Tube hanger is a metal carry case for your 'on the go' stash or king size cone. The tube has a secure thread closure half way down the tube and a metal clasp for fastening. The Stash tube is 120mm in length and 40mm in diameter (note: King size rolling papers are 110mm in length).
If you are a collector you can also add the other products from The Bulldog to your collection, they are also available online. If you are in Amsterdam then just drop in any of our three brand stores and have a look in person. Choose from other The Bulldog merchandise such as
keychains and
Post a photo of your Stash Tube Hanger tagged with
#thebulldogamsterdam, to qualify for a monthly draw of wonderful prizes.
The Bulldog is an Amsterdam based international company with coffeeshops, bars, merchandise stores and a hotel in Amsterdam. International locations include a cocktail lounge and restaurant in
Rome, Social clubs in
Barcelona and Ibiza, a hotel with grand cafe/restaurant and vacation homes on
Silver Star Mountain (Canada) and last but not least a tropical cocktail bar in
Aruba. The Bulldog also trades through distribution with smoker related paraphernalia, energy-drink, iced-coffee and street-wear apparel. The Bulldog Amsterdam is: Rebellious I Authentic I Socially Responsible I The Living Room of Amsterdam